New Nautilus tricep dip at Daves Gym
October 7, 2019
Fitness classes at Daves Gym
January 2, 2020

The Ripper fat Burner

The Ripper is one of the most powerful and fast acting new fat burners on the planet today. Only £24.99 at Daves Gym

Designed for hardcore users only, this full strength formula goes to work within minutes of the very first dose. This is fat burning you can feel … this is what it feels like to be plugged into lightning!!

The Ripper’s fast acting formula contains a concentrated blend of ingredients designed to not only burn fat but also help control food cravings while still delivering maximum energy to help you perform at your peak all day long.

If you want a fat burner that kicks like a bull and hits like a bolt of lightning then try The Ripper NOW.