Daves Gym Sunbed Centre

Daves Gym Sunbed Centre we use the latest tanning beds from Megasun, Luxura Ergoline and Tansun.

With 9 beds including the new MEGASUN K11 air, MEGASUN K9S, Luxura VEGAZ and sunbed Towers, we offer the opportunity to tan comfortably in private, well-ventilated rooms any day of the week.

Sunbeds price list

MEGASUN K11 air                                £4 = 4 Min Tan

MEGASUN K9S                                     £3 = 4 Min Tan

Luxura Vegaz Hybrid                       £2.50 = 4 Min Tan

Ergoline Hybrid Super Intense            £2 = 4 Min Tan

7ft,6ft stand up Ibiza Hybrid Intense  £1 = 2 Min Tan

All 0.3 compliant sunbed tubes

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday 5am - 9:30pm

Friday     5am - 9:00pm

Saturday 5am - 4:00pm

 Sunday   6am - 4:00pm

Last sunbed 20 minutes before closing


Tanning beds

We have a selection of vertical and horizontal beds. All of our sunbeds are classed as fast tanning equipment, we offer you the best quality systems available.

All our sunbeds are Hybrid Intense,
the latest in tanning technology with a triple combination of UV, Red light and Infra red light.
- The UV tans you
- The Red light helps reduce cellulite, wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin
- The Infra red light brings out your colour 50% faster and also helps to heal muscle strains & body pains and hydrates your skin for a smoother complexion.

The best way to tan! There is a regulation governing the maximum UV output of sunbeds. This is generally referred to as 0.3 and is approved by the EU and complies with all British and European consumer safety regulations. A 0.3 tanning session delivers the same tanning effect as the mid-day Mediterranean summer sun but without the risk of burning.

What you can expect from a 0.3 tanning session:

Your tan will be deeper and longer-lasting The tanning process is kinder to your skin The risk of over-exposure or burning is effectively eliminated

Added value

Your value for money is always our concern and we are very confident that you will be pleased with your results.

Our “Golden Promise” all tubes are changed well before the manufacturers recommended usage time to ensure maximum tanning every time!

Before using a sunbed

• Don’t consume alcohol
• Make sure that you understand the instructions on the length of each tanning session for you type of skin, never exceed the limit
• Make sure you know how to switch the sun-bed off and the location of the emergency stop button
• Remove all cosmetics from your body
• Remove all Jewellery
• Do not use out door sun lotions & sun-creams
• Remove contact lenses
While using a sunbed

• Always wear the protective goggles provided
• Don’t allow anyone else into the room whilst you are using the sunbed
• If you notice any abnormal skin reactions during a tanning session stop the exposure at once and seek advice
After care

• Do not sunbathe outside on the same day you use a sun-bed or vice-versa
• You may moisturise your skin
• Allow at least 24 hours between each session
• Never exceed the number of sessions on a recommended course
• Take at least a four week break from all tanning each year preferably between each course of tanning sessions including summer holidays
• If at any time you notice lumps, sores or unusual moles on the skin consult your doctor

When not to use a sunbed

• You are under 18 years of age You are taking medicines or drugs which increase sensitivity to UV Rays
• The following may cause such a reaction
• Antibiotics
• Analgesics
• Medication for blood pressure
• Diuretics
• Some contraceptive pills
• Anti-Malarials
• Anti – Depressants
• Psoralens
• Eosin
• You have a medical condition that is worsened by sunlight
• Pregnancy – whilst there is no evidence to suggest that UV tanning can damage a foetus, consult your doctor before using a sun-bed
• You have fair or sensitive skin that burns easily
• You have a large number of freckles and/or moles
• You or anyone in your immediate family has has skin cancer in the past
• You have a history of sunburn especially in childhood